The majority of radio stations in Slovenia use radio frequencies in the 87.5–108 MHz (FM) frequency band for dissemination. Only five radio stations also broadcast in the medium wave band (AM). Information on radio stations is available in the radio and television station register.
The entire Slovenian territory, i.e. the entire Slovenian population, is covered by three radio stations broadcast by the public broadcaster RTV Slovenija: these stations are Prvi program RTV, Val 202, and Ars. The highest coverage among privately owned stations has been achieved by the non-profit Radio Ognjišče.
Large territories are also covered by broadcasters linked into networks. Currently four such networks with suitably adapted permits are operating in Slovenia:
regional radio network Radio 1,
regional program radio network Radio 94,
regional radio network of local radio programs Primorski val,
radio network Radio Center.
Radio stations of special importance
Currently six local (two of which are linked in a regional local radio network), ten regional, one student, and two non-profit radio stations of special importance are broadcasting in Slovenia.
More information about the option of acquiring the status of a station of special importance and its advantages can be found here.
Digital terrestrial radio
Four radio stations broadcast of the public broadcaster RTV Slovenija hold the right to broadcast in the T-DAB technology at the Krvavec transmission point, which covers the northern part of the Ljubljana basin. Currently it cannot be said that digital terrestrial radio has gained ground in Slovenia, since there is neither a sufficient range of stations nor a sufficient number of listeners.