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How the Public Tenders for Allocating Radio Frequencies Are Conducted

How the Public Tenders for Allocating Radio Frequencies Are Conducted

A broadcaster must acquire a decision on allocation of radio frequencies for broadcasting in order to disseminate radio programming via radio frequencies. The decision is issued by the Agency based on a public tender.

Initiating a Public Tender

The public tender is initiated by a decision issued by the Agency in agreement with the Broadcasting Council. The decision on initiating a public tender is published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia and on the Agency’s website. Tender documentation and related forms are published on the Agency’s website.
The tender documentation provides a more detailed explanation of the conditions and criteria by which the bids will be evaluated. The Agency is responsible for assessing some of the criteria, while the criteria regarding programming content are evaluated by the Broadcasting Council.

Deadline for submitting bids and public tender-opening

The deadline for submitting the bids is usually 60 days from the day the decision was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of SLovenia, and the bids should be sent to the Agency’s address. The Agency shall return all bids arriving at its address after the deadline to the sender. After the deadline expires, the commission conducting the public tender opens all bids that arrived on time and were correctly labeled at a public opening.

Assessing the bids

After the public opening, the commission verifies whether individual bids and all related documents meet the requirements from legislation and the tender documentation. It also checks whether the bidder fulfills the criteria from the decision or tender documentation. After that, the bids are assessed by the criteria from the tender documentation.


Agency for communication networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia
Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: 01 583 63 00
F: 01 511 11 01

Office hours:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 11:00
WED - 13:00 - 14:00
Office hours by phone:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 14:00

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