The Mass Media Act imposes certain obligations on radio station broadcasters, and the Agency monitors their implementation as part of its expert supervision. Certain legal requirements are stricter for RTV Slovenija’s radio channels and stations of special importance.
Reports on broadcasting and implementation of programming concept
Radio station broadcasters must submit a written report on broadcasting and implementation of a programming concept to the Agency by the end of March every year.
In-house Production
In-house production must comprise at least 30% of the daily broadcasting time of every radio station. Reruns of radio shows must be clearly labeled. In-house production is defined also by the Rules on Criteria for Determination of the Programming Content of In-house Production.
Slovenian music
Slovenian music or music created and performed by Slovenian artists must present:
at least 20% of all music played daily on every radio station,
at least 40% of all music played daily on RTV Slovenija’s radio stations,
at least 25% of all music played daily on stations of special importance.
These requirements do not apply for radio stations for Hungarian and Italian minorities.
Radio advertising
The total share of advertisements, radio-sales, and other paid announcements in the radio program should not exceed:
20% of the daily broadcasting time and 20% of each hour, or
15% of daily broadcasting time and 12 minutes per hour on stations of special importance.
For RTV Slovenija’s radio stations the following rules apply:
the total share of advertisements, radio-sales, and other paid announcements should not exceed 15% of daily broadcasting time, and the total share of advertisements should not exceed 10% of the daily broadcasting time,
the share of advertisements and other paid announcements should not exceed 12 minutes per hour, while between 6 PM and 11 PM it should not exceed 9 minutes per hour,
the Radio Slovenija 3 station must not play any advertising content,
RTV Slovenija’s journalists and news anchors must not appear in advertising.
More detailed requirements and restrictions regarding radio advertising are available in the Mass Media Act (Articles 93–99).