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The postal service provider is responsible for the damage caused during the transfer of a registered or insured mail or a parcel due to:

  • loss, damage, theft, or robbery,
  • exceeded delivery time,
  • unprovided, or only partially or incorrectly provided postal service.

Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the postal service provider is not responsible for the damage if it proves that:

  • the postal item was transferred pursuant to general terms and conditions;
  • the damage was caused by force majeure;
  • the damage was incurred due to the sender’s fault or negligence, or due to the content of the postal item;
  • the damage was caused because the postal item was handed to competent state bodies, holders of public authorizations, or providers of public utility services in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 48 of ZPSto-2;
  • the postal service user deliberately insured the content of the postal item for an amount higher than its actual value;
  • the postal service user failed to file a claim within the set deadline;
  • the damage was caused by legal actions of competent bodies.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the sender is entitled to a refund of paid charges and fees (except the insurance fee).

In such cases, the postal service user has the right to file a claim within three months of posting the postal item, or immediately upon delivery, or within 30 days of delivery at the latest, if the defects were not immediately visible. If the postal service user does not file a claim within these deadlines, they lose the right to damages. The postal service provider must respond to the claim within 15 days for postal items in internal postal traffic and within 2 months for postal items in international postal traffic. If the provider fails to do so, the postal service user may file a request for resolving the dispute with the Agency within 15 days of this deadline.
If the postal service provider does not respond to the claim, or if, in the case of universal services, it does not grant the claim or only partially grants it, the Agency is responsible for resolving the dispute, while in all other cases the dispute should, in accordance with the case law of the Administrative Court, be resolved by a court of civil jurisdiction.

Based on article 45 of ZPSto-2, a postal service user may ban the delivery of unaddressed advertising, marketing, and other publicity messages to the mailbox with a sticker issued by the Agency. The ban does not apply to newspapers, magazines, municipality and local community official gazettes, invitations from institutions, political propaganda messages issued during an election campaign, unaddressed items with informational, educational, or humanitarian content, or any other edited forms of contents. In the event of violations, the Market Inspectorate of Republic of Slovenia is the responsible body.

Every postal service user has the right to file a complaint against the decision or action of the universal postal service provider in relation to access to services or service provision. The complaint should be filed with the relevant postal service provider within 30 days of the day on which the user learns of the disputed decision or action of the postal service provider. If the postal service provider does not grant the complaint or fails to respond to it within 15 days of receiving it, the postal service user may file a request for resolving the dispute with the Agency within 15 days of this deadline.
In the event of claims related to damage caused during the transfer of registered or insured mail, or parcels, the postal service user has the right to file a claim within three months of posting the postal item, or immediately upon delivery, or within 30 days of delivery at the latest, if the defects were not immediately visible.

Universal postal service is the permanent, regular, and uninterrupted provision of postal services determined by the ZPSto-2. These services should be of the prescribed quality and available to all postal service users throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia at prices affordable for all postal service users.
The following postal services are provided as universal postal service:

  • receiving, dispatching, transporting, and delivering mail items of up to 2 kg,
  • receiving, dispatching, transporting, and delivering parcels of up to 10 kg,
  • services of registered and insured mail, and
  • delivery of mail for blind and partially sighted people.

Universal service is provided under equal conditions permanently, regularly, and uninterruptedly, and may only be interrupted due to force majeure or in conditions that pose a threat to the deliverer. Universal postal service covers at least one mail collection and delivery per day on at least five days per week at the home or premises of every natural person or legal entity. In case of public holidays, the number of days in a week on which mail must be collected and delivered decreases proportionally.

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Agency for communication networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia
Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: 01 583 63 00
F: 01 511 11 01

Office hours:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 11:00
WED - 13:00 - 14:00
Office hours by phone:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 14:00

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