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Resolving User Disputes

Resolving User Disputes

An important function of the Agency is safeguarding the rights of electronic communication and postal service end users. The Agency resolves user disputes in these areas. Dispute resolution with the Agency is free of charge.
Each end user has the right to appeal the decisions or actions of electronic communications operators pertaining to access to services, execution, and billing. Each end user also has the right to object to the decisions or actions of postal service providers regarding access to and execution of services.

When can the Agency help you?

You can turn to the Agency if you have trouble accessing electronic communications services; if your service is disrupted or not functioning; if you believe your operator has wrongly charged for a service; if you have trouble accessing postal services, or if there are errors in the execution of these services. First, however, you must file a complaint regarding the service with your operator/postal service provider, and they are obliged to respond to your complaint within 15 days.
If you do not receive a response from the operator/postal service provider, or are not satisfied with their decision, you can submit a claim for dispute resolution with the Agency in 15 to 30 days. Instructions for submitting the application are available here. The whole procedure conducted by the Agency is described here.

Call center (080 2735)

The Agency has a call center to help users. Advice and information regarding dispute resolution and the Agency’s jurisdiction is available on the toll-free phone number 080 2735.
The call center is available for your questions every workday between 9 AM and 1 PM.

Agency for communication networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia
Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: 01 583 63 00
F: 01 511 11 01

Office hours:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 11:00
WED - 13:00 - 14:00
Office hours by phone:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 14:00

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