The Agency is actively involved in the workgroup of regulatory bodies from the field of railway traffic (RB WG) of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, DG-MOVE.
In November 2011 the Agency became a full member of the Independent Regulators’ Group – Rail, IRG – Rail.
The RB WG (Rail Regulatory Bodies Working Group) is the workgroup of regulatory bodies in the field of railway traffic, headed by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, DG-MOVE.
The workgroup involves the representatives of regulatory bodies from the EU member states, and they meet with the European Commission representatives twice a year. The group primarily discusses the issue of the service market liberalization in railway traffic, which also includes the legal and economic questions regarding access to the railway infrastructure, access to additional and auxiliary services required to carry out the freight and passenger transport, and determining and charging railway infrastructure user fees. During these meetings the EC representatives forward information regarding the prepared new or amended current legislation for railways to the workgroup members.
In addition to these yearly meetings with the EC, the workgroup members also attend the RNE annual conference organized by the railway infrastructure managers Rail Net Europe. At this conference the representatives of Rail Net Europe present the workgroup members and the EC representatives with information about their activities in terms of program tools development, such as CIS, PCS, and TIS, made for the railway infrastructure managers and carriers in railway traffic. The annual Rail Net Europe conference is usually held every November in Vienna.
IRG – Rail
The Independent Regulator’s Group (IRG – Rail) is an association of independent regulatory bodies from the field of railway traffic, established in 2011 in Hague following an initiative of the regulators from Germany, Great Britain, Austria, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. The IRG – Rail group was established with the aim of improving the collaboration and information exchange between the regulatory bodies of the EU member states, which will become of even greater importance after the introduction of the international freight railway corridors.
The precondition for becoming a member of the group is the legal and financial independence of the regulatory bodies. Given the fact that at the time the group was established, the Republic of Slovenia had not yet fulfilled the criteria of complete independence, it could only take part as a candidate and was allowed to collaborate in the group’s workgroups. Following the transfer of regulatory competencies from the Ministry of Transport to the Agency, The Republic of Slovenia fulfilled all formal criteria for full membership.
Five workgroups currently operate under the auspices of the IRG – Rail:
the workgroup for the implementation of freight corridors and related complaints,
the workgroup for assessing the economic balance related to international passenger transport in rail traffic and the mandatory economic public services,
the workgroup for monitoring the market of rail services,
the workgroup for reforming the directives from the 1st rail package,
workgroup handling user fees for access to the railway infrastructure.