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Research and Analysis

Research and Analysis

Each year the Agency conducts an analysis of the postal services market in the Republic of Slovenia. It systematically conducts research on user satisfaction with postal services and a comparative analysis of prices and shipping times for all the postal service providers in the Republic of Slovenia. Occasionally it also conducts other studies and analyses that it requires for work.

Analyses of the postal services market

The Agency has been conducting postal services market analysis in the Republic of Slovenia since 2004.

Along with an overview of the postal services market in the Republic of Slovenia the Agency also uses the acquired data for the purpose of reporting to national and international organizations about the state of the postal services market, in accordance with the obligations of the Republic of Slovenia based on international treaties in force in the Republic of Slovenia.

Research on user satisfaction

The Agency conducts research on user satisfaction (general and business public) with postal services with the assistance of an external contractor.
The primary objective of this research is to establish:

  • the scope of the use of postal services,
  • satisfaction with the quality of postal services,
  • user awareness of postal service providers,
  • comparison of data from the previous research.

Comparative analyses of prices and delivery times

In partnership with an external contractor the Agency conducts a comparative analysis of delivery prices and quality of postal service providers in the Republic of Slovenia for selected products in internal and international postal traffic.

Data collection is conducted in two ways, through interviews and surveys submitted to all postal service providers, while delivery times and deadlines are also checked in practice, as only this method can show the actual quality of delivery with regard to the prices of an individual provider.

Statistical data

Upon request each postal service provider must provide the Agency with all the data and information, including financial information and information on providing universal service, that the Agency requires to exercise its jurisdiction, as well as for the clearly defined statistical purposes, and for reporting to the European Commission and other international organizations.
The Agency collects postal statistical data in order to conduct:

  • yearly analyses of the postal services market,
  • research and reports from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • research by the European statistics office EUROSTAT,
  • research by other international organizations.

Other research and analysis

The Agency publishes the data on complaints and liability claims against Pošta Slovenije that the latter prepares every year. The Agency occasionally compares the data gathered over several years.

Agency for communication networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia
Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: 01 583 63 00
F: 01 511 11 01

Office hours:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 11:00
WED - 13:00 - 14:00
Office hours by phone:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 14:00

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