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Here you can find all the national laws governing the areas regulated by the Agency.

Statutes, adopted based on ZEKom in ZEKom-1

I. General legal acts

  • General Act on radio frequency utilisation plan (NURF-4) (Official Gazette RS, no 10/18) - unofficial translation
  • General Act of network and service security (Official Gazette RS, no 75/13)
  • General Act on conditions for the use of radio frequencies intended to provide Radio Amateur Service and Radio Amateur Satellite Service (Official Gazette RS, no 68/13, 48/18)
  • General Act on the form and method of publication of the notice regarding the change to the terms and conditions in the subsriber contract (link)
  • General Act on quality of universal service (Official Gazette RS, no 79/07 and 40/10)
  • General Act on relevant markets (Official Gazette RS, no 18/08 and 112/08)
  • General Act on encouragement of contractual arrangements for the shared use of property and capacitities of the electronic communication networks (Official Gazette RS, no 80/10)
  • General Act on the content and format of the application for issuing a decision on the assignment of numbering elements (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13 and 72/18)
  • General Act on number portability (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13, 23/18 and 77/18)
  • General Act on signal limitations for analog sound broadcasting stations (Official Gazette RS, no 44/13)
  • General Act on Numbering Plan (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13, 107/13, 41/18)
  • General Act on the Secrecy, Confidantiality and Safety of Electronic Communications, the Retention of Data and the Protection of Data Stored (Official Gazette RS, no 126/08)
  • General Act on transparency and the publication of information (Official Gazette RS, no 96/04, 59/08, 55/10 in 7/12)
  • General Act on the calculation method for payments for the use of radio frequencies (Official Gazette RS, no 30/13, 33/13-corr., 40/13-corr., 81-14, 21/16, 63/16, 64/19)
  • General Act on the manner of criteria observance in respect of price options offered for determination of packages to be used by low-income customers or customers with special needs in the framework of the universal service provision (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13)
  • General Act on mediative procedure (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13)
  • General Act on the net cost calculation method for the universal service (Official Gazette RS, no 81/04)
  • General Act on the data transmission rate, permitting functional Internet access (Official Gazette RS, no 81/04 in 111/06)
  • General Act of modification on collecting, using and provisioning of data of electronic communications market development (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13)
  • General Act on the conditions for interoperability of digital television equipment used by consumers (Official Gazette RS, no 136/06)
  • General Act on the elements of the model tender form for unbundled access to the local loop (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13)
  • General Act on use of system RDS and identification of DAB network (Official Gazette, no 67/15)
  • General Act on the content and form of the notification  of the provision of public communications networks and / or public communication services (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13)
  • General Act on the Management of the Conversion of Numbers into ENUM Numbers (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13)
  • General Act on size of numbering block for acquisition of which the project is required (Official Gazette RS, no 62/13 and 72/18)
  • General Act on modulation signal limitations for broadcasting sound radiostations (Official Gazette RS, no 79/07)
  • General Act on the conditions for interoperability of digital television equipment used by consumers (Official Gazette RS, no 136/06)
  • General act on the use of the RDS system (Official Gazette RS, no 75/04)
  • General Act on the method of calculating the charges for use of numbering (Official Gazette RS, no 31/13, 21/16, 15/17 and 72/18)

II. Decrees

  • Decree on the radio frequency bands allocation plan (Official Gazette RS no 69/13, 1/17)
  • Decree on measures for disabled end-users (Official Gazette RS no 92/10)
  • Decree on right to the network termination points with priority (Official Gazette RS no 100/05)
  • Decree on the management of radio frequencies for state requirements (Official Gazette RS no 61/05)

III. Rules

  • Rules on the quality of service for the single European emergency call number 112 (Official Gazette RS no 53/09)
  • Rules on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment (Official Gazette RS no 17/09, 54/12)
  • Rules on radio equipment (Official Gazette RS no 3/16)
  • Rules on facilities and their classification in the framework of public communications networks and associated facilities (Official Gazette RS no 100/05)
  • Rules on the categories of consumers entitled to special tariff options or packages (Official Gazette RS no 101/05 and 92/10)
  • Rules on equipment and interfaces intended for lawful interception of communications (Official Gazette RS no 29/06)
  • Rules on the method of transmission of retained traffic data in fixed and mobile electronic communications network telephony services (Official Gazette RS no 103/09)
  • Rules on the work ID card and badge of authorised persons of the Postal and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette RS no 26/10)

IV. The Agency’s recommendations

  • Recommendation on the prevention of extremely high amounts in the accounts of end-users (link)
  • Recommendation on contractual relations between operators and between operators and end users (link)
  • Recommendation on affordable price of universal service (Official Gazette RS no 34/11)
  • Recommendation on broadband speed (Official Gazette RS no 107/09)
  • Recommendation on methods and conditions of measures when terminating access contracts (Official Gazette RS no 106/11)

Statutes, adopted based on ZPSto-2

I. General legal acts

  • General Act on the Quality of the Universal Postal Service Provision (Official Gazette RS no 47/10)
  • General Act on the mediation process between the participants in the postal business (Official Gazette RS no 55/10)
  • General Act on Exemptions from the Provision of the Universal Postal Service (Official Gazette RS no 22/10, 58/13)
  • General Act on the Label for Prohibition of Delivery via Mailbox (Official Gazette RS no 22/10, 65/14)
  • General Act on Separate accounts and Prohibition of Subsidies (Official Gazette RS no 29/10)
  • General Act of accounting information and calculation of net cost of the universal postal service obligation (Official Gazette RS no 47/10)

II. Rules

  • Rules on the method of calculating payments for providing postal services (Official Gazette RS no 109/09)
  • Rules on the service ID card of authorised persons of the Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette RS no 11/15)
  • Instruction on handling postal items with prohibited content (Official Gazette RS no 47/10)

Statutes, adopted based on ZMed and ZAvMS

I. General legal acts

  • General Legal Act on the Protection of Children and Minors in Television Programs and Audiovisual Media Services on Demand (Official Gazette RS no 84/13) - unofficial translation
  • General act on radio or television broadcasting licence (Official Gazette RS no 95/06 and 25/07)
  • General act on Audiovisual media services and radio program monitoring methodology (Official Gazette RS no 31/12)
  • General act of the notification of on-demand audiovisual media services (Official Gazette RS no 35/12)
  • General act of the way how to determine the population coverage on the area of the Repblic of Slovenia with analogue terrestial radio or television programs, that spreads over radio frequencies for analogue brodcasting (Official Gazette RS no 138/06)
  • General act of product placement and sponsorship (Official Gazette RS no 44/12)
  • Radiotelevizija Slovenija Act (Official Gazette RS no 106/06 in 9/12)

II. Decrees

  • Decree on method and criteria of making a list of the most significant events (Official Gazette RS no 105/01)
  • Decree on criteria and conditions of determining slovenian audio-visual works (Official Gazette RS no 105/01)

III. Rules

  • Rules on detemination of visual and audiable warning for programming which is not suitable to children and adolescents (Official Gazette RS no 50/14)
  • Rules on criteria for determination of the contents of own production (Official Gazette RS no 77/02)
  • Rules on programmes of special importance (Official Gazette RS no 85/02)
  • Rules on the method of calculating charges in the area of avdiovisual media services or entry in the official records of the audiovisual media services on request (Official Gazette RS no 72/12)

Statutes, adopted based on ZZelP

I. Decrees

  • Decree on the allocation of train paths and the user fees forthe use of public railway infrastructure (Official Gazette RS no 113/09, 73/12)
  • Act establishing the user fees for the use of public railway infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette RS no 74/12)
  • Decree on the Elaboration of the Network Timetable for Public Railway Infrastructure (Official Gazette RS no 73/12)
  • Decree on the categorization of railway lines (Official Gazette RS no 4/09 (5/09 popr.), 62/11, 66/12)


  • Decree on administrative operations (Official Gazette RS no 20/05, 106/05, 30/06, 86/06, 32/07, 63/07, 115/07 (122/07 corr.), 31/08, 35/09, 58/10 and 101/10)
  • Rules on the implementation of Decree on administrative operations (Official Gazette RS no 75/05, 86/06, 47/08 and 58/10)
  • Decree on communication and re-use of information of public character (Official Gazette RS no 76/05, 119/07, 95/11, 24/16)
  • Decree on the education requirements for employees to head and decide in the framework of administrative procedure and on the professional examination on general administrative procedure (Official Gazette RS no 29/00, 66/04 and 17/06)
  • Decree on simple administrative procedures for which a professional certificate is not required (Official Gazette RS no 76/08)
Agency for communication networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia
Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: 01 583 63 00
F: 01 511 11 01

Office hours:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 11:00
WED - 13:00 - 14:00
Office hours by phone:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 14:00

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