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Signpost > AKOS > Legislation > Acts


Here you can find all the national laws governing the areas regulated by the Agency. The Statue of the Agency can be accessed here (only the Slovene version is available).


The English language translations of the texts below are provided for information only and confer no rights nor impose any obligations on anyone. Only the official publication of the Act in Slovene language, as published and promulgated in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, is authentic.


Electronic communications:

Postal service:

Electronic media:


  • Railway Transport Act - Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 11/11-UPB6, 63/13-ZZelP-I, 84/15)


  • Digital Broadcasting Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 102/07, 85/1047/12 and 109/12-ZEKom-1)              
  • Radiotelevizija Slovenija Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 96/05, 109/05-ZDavP-1B, 105/06 Odl.US: U-I-307/05-18, 26/09-ZIPRS0809-B (31/2009 popr.))
  • Act Ratifying the European Transfrontier Television Convention and the Protocol amending the European Transfrontier Television Convention (Official Gazette RS, no 57/99), Mednarodne pogodbe (Official Gazette RS, no 18/99)
  • Regional agreement relating to the Use of the Band 87.5-108 MHz for FM Sound Broadcasting (Region 1 and Part of Region 3) - English, (Official Gazette RS, no 5/97)
  • Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the Stockholm 1961 Agreement (RRC-06-Rev.ST61) - English (Official Gazette RS, no 65/1993)
  • Act Ratifying the Chester 1997 Multilateral Coordination Agreement relating to Technical Criteria, Coordination Principles and Procedures for the introduction of Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T) (Official Gazette RS, no 71/05), International treaty - English (Official Gazette RS, no 12/05)

Other legislation

  • General Administrative Procedure Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 24/06, 105/06-ZUS-1, 126/07, 65/08, 47/09 Odl.US: U-I-54/06-32 (48/09 popr.), 8/10 in 82/13)
  • Inspection Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 43/07-UPB1, 40/14)
  • Minor Offences Act - Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 29/11 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 21/13, 111/13, 74/14 – odl. US in 92/14 – odl. US)
  • Administrative Dispute Act Slovenia - Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 105/2006, 26/2007 Skl.US: U-I-69/07-9, 122/2007 Skl.US: U-I-264/05-23, U-I-181/07, Up-2126/07-10, 65/2008 Odl.US: U-I-98/07-27, 119/2008 Odl.US: U-I-69/07-36, 54/2009 Odl.US: Up-1782/08-16, U-I-166/08-8, 107/2009 Odl.US: U-I-147/08-16, Up-1547/08-17, 14/2010 Odl.US: U-I-303/08-9, 62/2010, 14/2011 Skl.US: U-I-55/09-8, Up-257/09-10, 93/2011 Odl.US: U-I-16/10-10, Up-103/10-12, 98/2011 Odl.US: U-I-181/09-15, Up-860/09-14, Up-222/10-14)
  • Access to Public Information Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 51/06-UPB2, 117/06-ZDavP-2 and 23/14)
  • Information Commissioner Act  - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 113/05, 51/07-ZUstS-A, 14/10 Odl.US: U-I-303/08-9)
  • Public Agencies Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 52/02, 51/04-EZ-A, 33/11-ZEKom-C)
  • State Administration Act - Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 113/2005-UPB4, 126/2007-ZUP-E, 48/2009, 8/2010-ZUP-G, 8/2012-ZVRS-F in 21/2012, 17/13 Odl.US: U-I-42/12-15,  21/13-ZVRS-G, 47/13)
  • Civil Servants Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 63/07-UPB3, 65/08, 69/08-ZTFI-A, 69/08-ZZavar-E, 74/09 Odl.US: U-I-136/07-13,  40/12-ZUJF)
  • Protection of Documents and Archives and Archival Institutions Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 30/06 , 51/14)
  • Public Procurement Act - English, Slovene (Official Gazette RS, no 12/13-UPB5, 19/14, 90/14 – ZDU-1I, 91/15)
  • Integrity and Prevention of Corruption Act - English, Slovene (69/11-UPB2, 81/13 Odl.US: U-I-81/11-12)
Agency for communication networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia
Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: 01 583 63 00
F: 01 511 11 01

Office hours:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 11:00
WED - 13:00 - 14:00
Office hours by phone:
MON - FRI 9:00 - 14:00

© 2014 AKOS. All rights reserved.