The operator acquires the right to negotiate network interconnection with other operators under the Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom), with the Agency’s notification. When appropriate, it acquires from them operator access or network interconnection, and the possibility to be appointed as a universal service provider. The criteria and procedures for imposing individual obligations on operators are based on chapters III and IV, and Articles 9 and 13 of the law.
The Right to Be Granted Numbering Elements (Numbers)
Numbering elements may be granted to an operator that can provide evidence that it is entitled to them in accordance with Article 62 of the Electronic Communications Act.
Obligation to Report Changes
An operator must use the notifications form to inform the Agency about:
changes to the company’s name, address or headquarters, legal representative, and changes regarding the provided network and services. The Agency must be informed about the changes within 30 days after they have occurred;
changes regarding the date on which the provision of public communication networks or public communication services should commence, and changes regarding geographic area in which the network or services are provided. The Agency must be informed about the changes before they occur;
terminating the provision of public communication networks or public communication services. The operator must inform the Agency about this in writing and at least 90 days before the planned termination; the notification must also provide a description of how it will provide permanent retention of the data on recording legal interception and retention of data on electronic communication for the entire period for which such data must be retained.
Obligation to Pay Based on a Notification
Operators must pay an annual fee to the Agency based on the notification on providing public communication networks or public communication services. By 31 March every year, the operators must inform the Agency about their revenue from providing public communication networks or public communication services for the previous year.